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While the majority of the church’s budget comes from our annual pledge campaign, we also have two annual fundraisers, the Holiday Bazaar in December and the Goods and Services Auction in the spring, that bring together the entire congregation. They provide a great chance for members to get more involved in the church and meet people, and are an opportunity to share our church with the wider community. 


The vision of small group ministry or Chalice Circles is to give participants an opportunity to get to know others while developing a deeper self-knowledge by sharing and deep listening in small, facilitated groups. The spirit of community radiates outward, fostering a sense of kinship and increasing connection to the congregation as a whole and to the larger community.


Click below to hear a testimonial by UUCB member George Rehrey about Chalice Circles.


Members and Friends of the UUCB have created smaller communities within the church that come together to celebrate shared interests, shared concerns, and a shared love of food. Click on the link below to learn more about some of our diverse fellowship opportunities including; the UU HumanistsFreethinkers, the Caring Committee, Fellowship Dinners, and Women’s Alliance.




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