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The UU Humanists meet every other Sunday at 12:45 to explore human growth and the transcendent. Their discussion topics include issues relating to morality and ethics, human development, evolution, the nature of the universe, love, the capacities of the brain, free will, and the latest scientific research.

Fellowship Dinners are a great way to meet newcomers and old-timers in small, convivial groups. Those who sign up will share a potluck meal once a month with a small group of friendly UUs in someone’s home. Once a year each person will host a dinner.

The purpose of the Caring Committee is to nurture the sense of belonging in our church community. The Caring Committee helps the ministers by reaching out to members who are in need. The ministers inform the chair of the committee when there is an accident, illness or death and request that the committee try to meet the needs of the individual or family. The committee strives to balance offering assistance while respecting individuals' need for privacy. 

The Women’s Alliance grew out of a need to raise money for Reverend Paul Killinger to attend a conference. In order to do this, the Alliance put on the first holiday bazaar on November 20, 1959. It was a great success and became an annual event.  In 1982 the bazaar became an all-church event, but the Alliance continued meeting. Nowadays the Alliance members meet the first Thursday of the month and eat lunch together and enjoy a special program planned by the Alliance board. The Alliance also contributes to service organizations in the community and engages in many meaningful traditions. 

The Free Thinkers meet every other Sunday - the opposite weeks from the Humanists. This group engages in conversations that are driven by individuals’ questions and foster an understanding of diverse views. The UU Freethinkers hope to learn how others form their opinions and to test these opinions with individual experiences and learning.

Community Engagement

...and more. The church creates community throughout the year with special events including the All Church Picnic and Splash of the Sacred (we rent out the local swimming pool for an evening of fun), thanksgiving dinner, and a Ramadan Iftaar celebration held in conjunction with the Bloomington Islamic Center.

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